Customer Reviews

Author: Fulton J. Sheen
Copyright: 2003
First Printed: 03-17-2003
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This book is all about you. Are you happy? Do you love yourself? Do you like the way you look? Did you ever wish you were somebody else? Are you happy with your age? Do you like yourself when you are irritable with others or give in to your passions? If you have answered any of these questions in the negative, don’t lose heart. There is someone who does love you just as you are, in spite of all these things, someone who can make you happy and fulfill your deepest longings and desires. It is God you are looking for. Your unhappiness is not due to your want of fame, or fortune, or high position, or good looks or perfect health; it is due not to want of something outside you, but to a want of something inside you. Archbishop Sheen shows you how to find what you are really looking for and how to keep it.
About the Author: Fulton J. Sheen was approaching 50 during the Second World War when he gave the talks presented in this book. Though well-known to a large radio audience in the United States at the time, he was not yet at the pinnacle of his fame as an orator. That would come later in the 1950’s and ‘60’s with the success of his nationally broadcast TV series: Life Is Worth Living. The gift that would bring him great acclaim is, however, manifestly apparent in this work, the credit for which he always attributed to the grace of God, lots of study, and a daily holy hour of prayer before the Blessed Sacrament.
Book: 155 pages
ISBN: 978-0-8189-0951-1
Prod. Code: 0951-X
"You: 'Are you unhappy or disappointed with your life?' Sheen asks. Such a simple question, such a complex answer. We are happy when we are fulfilling the purposes for which we were made. And that's where God comes into the picture. We need God to keep running like a clock, and his intervention is the only thing that will satisfy us and make us happy. This series of talks shows readers and listeners what they are looking for and how to keep it when they find it.' One of three new books offering to modern readers -- especially those who have never been exposed to Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen -- a compilation of some of his wonderful and touching words from the Catholic Hour radio addresses. Other titles include The Prodigal World and The Rock Plunged into Eternity." --Crux of the News, March 1, 2004