Customer Reviews

The Sunday Homilies
Author: S. Joseph Krempa
Copyright: 2005
First Printed: 10-27-2005
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Cycle C of this three-volume work of reflections on the liturgical readings for Sundays and Holy Days rounds out Father Krempa’s series with meditations based largely on the Gospel of Luke which plays such a prominent role in this Cycle. As such, emphasis has been placed on the Lord’s kindness, compassion, predilection for the poor, the outcast, the sick and the sinner. Intended for the “average” Sunday congregation, these brief thoughts exemplify how to apply the best in Scripture scholarship to practical, everyday problems. The homilist as well as the average parishioner will find much to ponder here.
About the Author: Father S. Joseph Krempa, pastor of Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish in Winchester, Virginia, is the highly respected author of the extraordinarily popular three volume series of Daily Homilies for the weekdays of Ordinary Time, including the Seasonal and Sanctoral Cycle (Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter and All Obligatory Memorials) which was published by Alba House in 1985 and is now in its sixth printing.
Book: 208 pages
ISBN: 978-0-8189-0983-2
Prod. Code: 0983-8
S. Joseph Krempa's Captured Fire: The Sunday Homilies -- Cycle A was published by ST PAULS (Staten Island, NY) in 2004. His Cycle B was published in 2005 along with Cycle C. Krempa, pastor of Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish, Winchester, VA presents homilies for every Sunday of the liturgical year along with some solemnities and feasts. According to the book, the reflections have been prepared for the average Sunday congregation. Each two- to three-page homily, according to the book, is "meant to inform, edify, and inspire those who read or hear them." The Scripture texts form the center of the reflections with a cogent, clear, and timely application to the problems and concerns of daily life. --Mark G. Boyer in The Priest, November 2006
This book is arranged in three parts: 1. Sundays during the Seasons of the Year (e.g., Advent, Lent, etc.), 2. Sundays of Ordinary Time, and 3. Solemnities and Feasts of the Year. Each homily is from two to three pages in length, so it can be satisfactorily used in most parishes. Priests and lay people will benefit from the thoughts presented here in preparing or presenting their own ideas. Vivid quotations and stimulating examples will enlighten, encourage, and instruct those who read or hear these homilies. The reflections focus on the Scriptures of the day, applying them to the predicaments of daily life in a compelling, simple and suitable way. --Jovian P. Lang, O.F.M. in Catholic Library World, March 2006