Customer Reviews

Outline of a Mariology
Author: Denis Farkasfalvy, O.Cist.
Copyright: 2014
First Printed: 03-12-2014
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This book discuses the development of Catholic doctrine regarding the Blessed Virgin Mary. It begins with a biblical and patristic inquiry about the place and meaning of Mary in salvation history with reference to the Hebrew Scriptures. This approach recognizes that Matthew 1-2 and Luke 1-2 cannot be read in isolation from the Mariological tradition of the second century which emphasized the Mary/Eve parallel from Genesis. Following the lead of the evangelists, the Church Fathers established the link between Christology and the role of Mary as Virgin and Mother. Such eminent theologians as Origen, Athanasiusand Ambrose professed and defended the universally acknowledged article of faith regarding Mary's perpetual virginity. The contributions of the Eastern Churches were key to the development of the Church's teachings on Mary and her role as Mother of God. The Protestant introduced new problems which this work addresses. The doctrine of Mary 's sinlessness, leasing to the formulation of the doctrine of her Immaculate Conception is thoroughly treated, as is her Assumption into heaven and her role as Mother of the Church. The damage done by much modern speculative theology largely stems from the failure to distinguish fact from fiction in the study of Mariology.
About the Author: Abbot Emeritus Fr. Denis Farkasfalvy, O.Cist., was born in Hungary in 1936. He entered the Cistercian Order through the clandestine novitiate of the Abbey of Zirc, Hungary on March 19, 1955, and on September 18, 1960 he took solemn vows in Lilienfeld, Austria, with the Abbot of Lilienfeld representing the Abbot of Zirc. He was ordained to the priesthood on July 9, 1961. Fr. Denis was Form Master and math teacher for the Classes of 1974, 1981, 1982, and 1991. He also teaches theology at the University of Dallas in Texas (Synoptic Gospels, Johannine Literature, Mariology and Biblical Inspiration). For twenty-four years he served as abbot of Our Lady of Dallas Cistercian Monastery, retiring in the spring of 2012.
Book: 326 pages
ISBN: 978-0-8189-1358-7
Prod. Code: 1358-7