Customer Reviews

Author: Fulton J. Sheen
Copyright: 2005
First Printed: 02-09-2006
Reprints: 2014, 2017, 2019, 2020, 2022, 2024
"The author of these meditations on the Way of the Cross has a twofold purpose in offering them in printed form. The first is that they may enkindle in souls a flaming love for the Crucified Christ, who, through His passion and death, revealed to us that it is only through the Cross that we are ever ushered into glory and eternal life. The second purpose is that those who meditate on the great love of Our Lord for sinners will be kind enough to say a prayer for the author." — Fulton J. Sheen
Book: 64 pages
ISBN: 978-0-8189-0989-4
Prod. Code: 0989-7
Sheen's Stations: First composed in 1932, the late Archbishop (then Father) Fulton J. Sheen presented The Way of the Cross for Palm Sunday. Filled with his own personal faith and thinking, The Way was published in 1932 by the National Council of Catholic Men and later, in 1982, was published nationally. The prayers are now available again in a new booklet. Fully developed as a program for personal devotion or public worship, The Way of the Cross is dedicated to Mary and begins with a prayer before the prayers of the stations. Each station begins with a short, two phrase prayer -- the same one repeated 14 times. Following the prayer is a brief reflection and ends with two prayers. One, a short one, is repeated with each station, and one longer one that speaks specifically to the issue brought up in the stations. After the 14th station, Jesus being laid in the tomb, a prayer is offered to close the session for the intention of the pope. Perfect for personal reading, and another way to keep the commonality and brilliance of Fulton Sheen in your prayer life. --Crux of the News, May 29, 2006