Mass Request

Having a mass said for the needs of a special person, for a special request, or in thanksgiving has a long history in the Catholic Church. We are honored to pray with you for your intention. The mass will be celebrated by our Pauline priests. Your offering supports our ministry.

Click Here To Request Mass Intentions

A Mass will be offered for you and your specific prayer intention to glorify God, to make reparation for the living or deceased, to make prayerful request for temporal and/or spiritual needs, other special intentions for 

Deceased Person
Family Relations
Spiritual Bouquet for Birthdays, Name Days & Anniversaries
Military Personnel
Religious Vocations
Souls in Purgatory
Special Intention
Successful Surgery
The Poor



Triduum of Masses


 Three (3) Masses will be offered in succession for you and your specific prayer intention.



Novena of Masses


Nine (9) Masses will be offered in succession for you and your specific prayer intention.



Gregorian Mass Series


Thirty (30) Masses will be offered for the soul of one deceased person on 30 consecutive days.



St. Paul Cooperators Perpetual Mass Association


Enrollment for membership provides share in graces granted to the Members of the Society of St. Paul, including six (6) daily Masses offered for all members, both living and deceased, in perpetuity.